As an engineering consultancy providing civil and structural design services we are aware of our health and safety duties as a Designer under the CDM Regulations 2015.
At all stages of a project, we continually review risks associated with our design solutions and, where residual risks remain, these are appropriately presented on drawings and in specifications. On all of our projects, we work collaboratively with our fellow construction professionals and clients to ensure our designs are safe, buildable and efficient.
All of our projects are overseen by Chartered Structural Engineers who have current CPD certification approved by the Institution of Structural Engineers.
As part of our Quality Management System, our Chartered Engineers carry out regular in-house project reviews, all calculations and drawings are checked prior to being issued. Find out more on our QMS page.
Health and safety training forms part of our ongoing commitment to CPD and where appropriate, staff members carry current CSCS cards and receive training related to specific health and safety risks such as UKATA approved Asbestos Awareness training. All staff carry appropriate PPE when visiting construction sites.
We have extensive experience of working alongside contractors in various roles; as part of a client-led design team, as a novated consultant on a design and build basis, as a temporary works designer and as a specialist designer for sub-contractor designed elements such as steelwork connections, cladding fixings and foundation designs for piling contractors. We are therefore exposed to a full range of construction activities and have the appropriate experience to develop safe and workable solutions from a contractor perspective and not only a design office perspective.
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